Plate Saver cost savings calculator

Plate Saver™ is designed for mild steel only. Enter the required fields and click "Calculate" to view your potential impact on profit. Calculations are approximate - your results may vary.


Please enter information about your plate usage

*Based on average USD market price March 2022


** The average plate utilization increase from PlateSaver is 3% but results vary based on the size and shape of the parts being nested. Guidance on which % to select >

Annual material usage and costs Current Estimated with
Material scrap reduction
Total plates used
Parts produced (lbs)
Scraps produced (lbs)
  Scrap reduction
Material cost reduction
Total plates used
Cost per plate $ $
Material cost $ $
  Estimated savings $
Environmental benefits 
CO2 emissions saved (lbs)  
Equivalent consumption of gasoline (gallons)  

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