How to Troubleshoot a Powermax® 0-30 Fault Code

Plasma cutting and gouging systems sometimes have cutting disruptions. To get back to work faster, you need to know what the symptoms are, what faults are creating cutting failures, how to locate the fault codes on your system, how to troubleshoot possible solutions to resolve the fault code, and when to contact an expert for additional assistance.

Today, we will review the 0-30 fault code on the Powermax product line.

What is a 0-30 fault code? 

0-30 is the most common fault code seen on the Powermax65, Powermax85, Powermax105, and Powermax125 systems. It can indicate issues related to your consumables or there could be external factors impacting system operation. 

The typical symptom of a 0-30 fault is the torch not firing. There are two types of 0-30 errors.

1. The 0-30-0 fault code indicates a torch stuck open fault, where the nozzle and the electrode are not touching after the trigger is pulled. Common causes include:

a.       Using the wrong consumables

b.       An open or leaking gas valve

c.       Physical damage to the torch and/or consumables

d.       A deformed swirl ring that is stopping electrode movement

e.       An over tightened retaining cap that has damaged the swirl ring

2. The 0-30-1 fault code indicates a torch stuck closed fault, where the nozzle and electrode will not separate after the trigger is pulled. Common causes include:

a.       Low gas pressure

                                                               i.      Gas restrictions

                                                             ii.      Gas leaks caused by a damaged torch lead or regulator

                                                           iii.      Hose diameter impacting flow rate

b.       External filters constricting the gas flow. You need to verify all flow rates for components feeding the power supply

c.       Gas restrictions

d.       A deformed or damaged swirl ring that is stopping electrode movement

e.       The regulator needs to be replaced

Where to find the 0-30 fault code 

Always check the status screen on the front panel of your Powermax for loss of power or fault codes. Using the manual for your system, locate the 0-30 fault code on the table or find the symptoms you are experiencing with your system. You can access all Powermax manuals online if you no longer have a paper copy.

Different Powermax systems display these codes differently:

  •         For lower amperage machines, such as the Powermax 30 Air, 30XP or 45XP, a blinking torch cap LED on the front of the machine indicates a 0-30 error. A slow blinking light indicates a torch stuck open fault. A fast blinking light indicates a torch stuck closed fault.

  •          For higher amperage machines, such as the Powermax65, 85, 105, or 125, the 0-30 error will appear on the status screen located on the front of the system. To determine which type of 0-30 error you have, access the service screen by holding down the Automatic/Manual Pressure Setting Mode Selector and the Current Gas Selector buttons for two seconds. Once the service screen is open, you will find the complete fault code (0-30-0 or 0-30-1).

Troubleshooting the 0-30 fault code

To resolve the 0-30 error, begin with a series of quick checks:

Did you change your consumables while the power supply was on? If yes, restart the Powermax

Turn the power supply off and check the consumables:

a.       Do you have the right consumables installed? If not, change the consumables

b.       Were the consumables installed correctly? Remove the consumables from the machine and confirm that they were properly installed. Reinstall them correctly

c.       Are the consumables in good repair? Inspect and replace the consumables if you find damage or excessive wear

d.       Does the torch show signs of damage? Inspect the torch for any signs of damage or pitting on the electrode contact surface

e.       Is the swirl ring deformed or damaged? If you see signs of deformation or damage, replace the swirl ring

f.        Is the electrode surface damaged or pitted? If you see evidence of surface damage or pitting, replace the electrode

Once the consumables have been properly inspected and installed, turn the system back on. This should clear the error code from the screen

If the 0-30 fault code still appears, and the consumables are not damaged and are properly installed, then the torch or power supply may be damaged. You should contact your Hypertherm distributor or an authorized repair facility with the full 0-30 fault code for further assistance.

Additional testing for 0-30-1 fault codes

For a 0-30-1 fault code that continues, place the unit in gas test mode to check the output gas pressure from the Powermax system. To access the gas test mode, open the service screen by holding down the Automatic/Manual Pressure Setting Mode Selector and the Current Gas Selector buttons for two seconds.

In the top left corner of the service screen, you will find a blinking cursor. Move the cursor through the service screen by pressing the Automatic/Manual Pressure Setting Mode Selector and the Current Gas Selector buttons. Move the cursor so that it sits between the G and the 0 on the second row. Turn the adjustment knob clockwise. The G0 will turn into a G1 and gas should start flowing from the torch.

The actual pressure should be within one to two PSI of the set pressure. If the pressure differs from the set pressure by more than one or two PSI, check your supply input pressure to ensure your incoming gas pressure is correct. Set the G1 back to G0 and exit the service screen.

If your gas test results and supply input pressure are both normal, contact your Hypertherm distributor or an authorize repair facility for assistance.  

Know your Powermax system

The best way to avoid cutting interruptions is to properly install the correct consumables and maintain the system with routine inspections and maintenance. Only use the system as it is intended and for jobs within the system’s specifications. Be aware of any change in system performance and check the system for damage or excessive wear if you notice a decline in cutting quality.

When disruptions do occur, understanding how to quicky diagnose fault codes and troubleshoot problems will minimize your downtime and let you can get back to work faster.