Bharat Foils cuts costs and raises productivity with genuine cutting consumables
Hypertherm finds success with its anti-counterfeiting efforts again

“With Hypertherm’s consumables, our consumption level has gone down by 40%, while the quality of our cutting has improved greatly. Our customers have also started to notice the differences in our products. Now, the company is growing rapidly because our productivity has increased, and I'm able to offer a high-quality product that is on par with my competitors.”
Mr. Sunil Gupta, Managing Director
Bharat Foils Limited
Company overview
Established in India in 1975, Bharat Foils Limited has a long history in equipment manufacturing. The family-owned business specializes in the production of equipment used in the grain milling industry, spanning the entire process from cleaning to drying, milling processing, and packing. Sheet metal cutting is a common procedure in Bharat Foils’ factory.
Bharat Foils cuts 10 to 12 tonnes of sheet metal per day on average, so plasma cutting systems play a pivotal role in the company’s daily operations.
Challenge: Counterfeit consumables hurt cutting performance
Modern cutting technologies, such as plasma systems, can produce high-quality cut parts at fast speeds, requiring little or no post-production processes. That said, the performance of a plasma system is also dependent on the consumable parts used with the torch. Even the latest technological advances and torch designs are not exempt from this rule: a high-performance plasma system can be rendered mediocre when inferior consumables are used.
Oftentimes, instead of purchasing consumables directly from the cutting system provider or authorized retailers, manufacturers seek out cheaper alternatives from other suppliers in an attempt to reduce operating costs. This increases the risk of unknowingly purchasing counterfeit products since counterfeits are usually copies of the genuine product that look similar in appearance but are sold at relatively lower prices.
Despite being functional and cheaper, the use of counterfeit consumables can be more counterproductive than beneficial, as experienced firsthand by Bharat Foils.
Attentive customer service reveals counterfeit parts
A satisfied customer of Hypertherm for several years, Bharat Foils currently uses six Powermax85® plasma systems in their factory. As part of its service standards, Hypertherm routinely checks in with customers after a purchase has been made. It was during one such occasion that a channel partner discovered that Bharat Foils had been purchasing consumables from another source in the open market. They noticed that Bharat Foils had not been purchasing consumables from them despite owning six plasma systems.
The matter soon came to Hypertherm’s attention. After further investigation, it was determined that Bharat Foils had been inadvertently purchasing counterfeit products that looked virtually identical to genuine Hypertherm consumables.
Mr. Sunil Gupta, Managing Director for Bharat Foils Limited, explains, “Our purchase department was instructed to source from the open market, to see if we could get the consumables at a better price than what was offered by the channel partner. We found a product that looked like Hypertherm’s to me, and so we started to purchase from that source.”
Hypertherm immediately contacted Bharat Foils to explain the consequences of using counterfeit parts and the benefits of using genuine consumables. During a discussion with the operators at Bharat Foils, Hypertherm also discovered that Bharat Foils had to reduce cutting speed in order to maintain acceptable cut quality, resulting in cutting issues like dross that required secondary work. The counterfeit consumables’ performance was also found to be inconsistent, and consumables had to be changed frequently.
Solution: Trials demonstrate the benefits of using genuine consumable parts
Bharat Foils’ high consumable consumption ultimately resulted in higher expenses in cutting operations in addition to reduced cut quality and decreased productivity. To illustrate the difference in performance between genuine and counterfeit consumables, Hypertherm proposed conducting some trials in the factory. “We were initially reluctant to do the trials, but Hypertherm continued to follow up with us closely. Eventually, we were won over by their sincerity and agreed to give it a try,” said Mr. Sunil Gupta.
Trial results – genuine consumables cut faster and better, and last three times longer
Two separate trials – one using genuine Hypertherm Cu+ consumables and the other using Bharat Foils’ existing counterfeit consumables – were conducted simultaneously for three days. The conditions for both systems were similar, cutting mild steel plates of varying thickness (8 mm, 10 mm, and 12 mm).
As the trials progressed, the differences in consumable performance became apparent to Mr. Gupta and his team:
For the same amount of cutting, Bharat Foils had to use three sets of counterfeit consumables compared to just one set of genuine consumables.
Results of the trial showed that the Hypertherm consumables delivered 3 to 4 times more pierces and the number of meters cut.
Counterfeit consumables had inconsistent lifespans, with the first set getting damaged after just 9 meters of cutting.
The team also observed a significant increase in cutting speed (around 68% on average) with the genuine consumables.
The machine fitted with genuine consumables also delivered parts with better hole and slot cut quality.
Upon assessing the results, Mr. Gupta became convinced of the benefits brought by the use of genuine consumables and immediately made the decision to switch to genuine Hypertherm consumables.
Business impact: Genuine consumables increase productivity and improve operations
Since switching to genuine consumables, Bharat Foils has experienced smoother operations, less downtime, and better customer service levels. These benefits have led to a significant overall improvement in Bharat Foils’ manufacturing process, notably in the areas of productivity, cost-effectiveness, and customer satisfaction.
To Bharat Foils, their relationship with Hypertherm is one that they are keen on maintaining in the long run. Moving forward, Mr. Gupta intends to adopt other cutting solutions to enhance Bharat Foils’ operations, with high-definition plasma cutting systems being next on his list.
More than just a manufacturer and supplier of cutting solutions, Hypertherm endeavors to offer close support to its customers, allowing them to fulfill their business goals. This level of dedication was keenly felt by Bharat Foils through this experience. “Hypertherm is not merely providing me a machine. They are giving me technical support and aftersales service. They're here to improve my company’s productivity, and we appreciate this partnership with them,” said Mr. Sunil Gupta.
Learn more about the dangers of using counterfeit consumables. If you suspect that you have unknowingly purchased counterfeit Hypertherm consumables, email the purchase location, product description, product images, links to the website where the product was sold, and any additional relevant information to and we will investigate your report.