Plasma Cutting Technology: Theory and Practice

AWS Sense logoPlasma Cutting Technology: Theory and Practice™ is the only commercially available training material specifically for plasma cutting and gouging. It is designed for welding instructors at both the high school and college level, union and military trainers, in-house training departments, welding and cutting distributors who want to offer value-added customer training, and advisors to student organizations such as Future Farmers of America and SkillsUSA.

Developed in partnership with experienced welding instructors and approved by the AWS-SENSE® program, this up to 10-hour course contains everything educators and trainers need to teach students how to cut with plasma. A mix of traditional lecture and hands-on exercises make it easy for welding instructors to reach students with a range of learning styles.

Proper training on the latest cutting technologies is critical for today's students, who need to know more than just oxyfuel cutting. Using this step-by-step approach to plasma cutting education ensures consistency in training and student outcomes.

Students who complete the course will be able to:

  • Describe what plasma is and how it cuts metal

  • Identify common industrial uses for plasma systems

  • Articulate the differences among various thermal cutting methods

  • Be able to properly set up and operate a plasma system

  • Correctly install and use plasma consumables

  • Demonstrate proper plasma safety procedures

  • Evaluate cut quality

  • Execute a variety of cuts and gouges


The free curriculum includes:

  • 132 page Facilitator’s Guide

  • 85 page Student Workbook

  • Powermax65/85® Operator Manual used for reference throughout theory and application lessons


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Plasma cutting curriculum

Free download of our AWS-SENSE® approved plasma cutting curriculum.