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ProNest modules

The following ProNest® modules can add powerful capabilities to your software. Check out the newest Enterprise module called 'Production Manager' to easily access production data in a web browser from any network-connected device.


Select the options that are right for your business and your budget today, then add additional modules later, as needed.

Benefits: Increased material utilization, faster nesting

With Automatic Nesting, you’ll be able to nest with the click of a button. Choose your preferred nesting strategy to control the balance between nesting speed and material utilization, or select “IntelliChoice” and ProNest will determine a strategy and nest for you. This is the latest in nesting technology, making it easy to achieve great results every time.

Compatible software



ProNest LT

ProNest LT

Benefits: Faster programming, faster inventory turnover, increased material utilization

If you have different plate sizes to choose from, how do you know which ones offer the best utilization for your particular set of parts?

With Nesting System Optimization, you can let the software do the math for you. This module will calculate every possible combination of parts, plates, remnants, and different nesting strategies, until it finds the best possible outcome.

Compatible software



Benefits: Better productivity, operating cost savings, increased material utilization

With Common Line Cutting you can easily share the common edges of adjacent parts. This feature can be applied automatically to similar parts or manually for dissimilar part profiles. Kerf compensation is applied automatically.

Fewer pierces and reduced cutting distance will maximize productivity and consumable life. At the same time you’ll be saving material by eliminating the separation between parts that otherwise becomes scrap.

Compatible software



ProNest LT

ProNest LT

Benefits: Better productivity, maximized machine up-time

Many machine operators are careful to keep away from tipped-up parts and other obstacles that might collide with the cutting head. Unfortunately, this can mean having the operator watch carefully over the whole process, or cutting the entire nest with full head raises. These steps might prevent collisions but take a long time to complete due to all the up/down motions.

With Collision Avoidance enabled, ProNest automatically adjusts leads, traverse paths, and the cut sequence to avoid possible head crashes right from the start. This allows for safe head-down motion and faster job completion.

Compatible software



Benefits: Better productivity, better accuracy, operating cost savings

Use Chain Cutting to link multiple part profiles into one continuous cut. The chain can be created manually, after parts have been nested, or automatically as an array of parts.

Use Bridge Cutting to create a thin web of material between parts, which helps prevent tip‑ups on small parts. This forms a single exterior profile, which can stabilize parts during separation from the plate, making them less prone to the effects of thermal movement.

Both techniques result in fewer pierces and greater consumable life.

Compatible software



ProNest LT

ProNest LT

Benefits: Faster and easier material handling, better workplace safety

Use Skeleton Cut-up to make dedicated cuts to a sheet, making it easy to remove skeleton material from the table when the job is complete. Skeleton cuts are added automatically; you can then edit lines to meet your needs and define other parameters that work best for your job. Skeleton lines may be cut before or after the parts are cut.

Compatible software



ProNest LT

ProNest LT

Data Sync links ProNest to your ERP/MRP* software, providing the communication framework needed to exchange job information (such as parts and plates) in real time.

Data Sync is required for all ProNest integrations with third‑party ERP/MRP software.

* Enterprise Resource Planning / Manufacturing Resource Planning

Compatible software



Benefits: Link ProNest directly to the Tekla® PowerFab® API for automated bi-directional communication

The Tekla® PowerFab® Connector provides improved job management for companies using both ProNest® and PowerFab. ProNest users can easily nest combining runs of parts and plates from PowerFab, ensuring optimal material utilization. As nests are created and processed, results are immediately available in PowerFab.

Compatible software



Benefits: Uses the ProNest API to link directly to STRUMIS for automated bi-directional communication

The STRUMIS Interface ensures consistent and up-to-date information flows to and from the ProNest® nesting software. This synchronization eliminates data duplication and rework, improves data quality, and increases information sharing across the organization. Data connectivity is a critical enabler to promote efficiency, increase value, and maintain competitiveness.

Benefits: Better productivity, better on-time delivery

Work Order Processing allows you to process work orders from within the nesting screen. Add or create work orders yourself, or connect to your ERP system to automatically import work order information in real time. Sort and combine orders for more efficient nesting and longer continuous runs.

Compatible software



Benefits: Faster inventory turnover, increased material utilization

Plate Inventory provides you with a database to store, track, and utilize all your available inventory. Add or create plates yourself, or connect to your ERP system to automatically import plate inventory. After completing a job, you can save remnants or skeletons and use them later. Plate inventory will be updated automatically as the plate is consumed and the new remnant is created. Also, for even greater traceability, assign properties to your plates, including heat number, stock number, unit price, and many more.

Compatible software



Benefits: Easily access production data in a web browser from any network-connected device

WIth Production Manager, you can connect directly to your Hypertherm EDGE® Connect CNC for real-time machine status to view production stats and trends. Production Manager provides an intuitive dashboard showing real-time status of each cutting machine at the facility and details for each nest/job produced. It tracks job progress, alerts users to stoppages, and provides valuable insights into the overall cutting performance.

Compatible software



Benefits: Faster programming, better fit-up, better seam and joint weld quality

The Pipe and Fittings module is a library containing numerous parametric fitting developments (or templates) each of which can be used to easily create your own custom developments. This module is ideal for fabricators working with welded, cylindrical pipe joints and transitions used in blowpipe applications. (For those working with thin gauge material used in HVAC applications please see Design2Fab.)

Compatible software



Benefits: Easier file exchange, faster programming

The SOLIDWORKS module allows you to add SOLIDWORKS part and assembly files directly into ProNest. There’s no intermediate step needed for 2D file creation, therefore you’ll have no concerns over managing revisions. Once imported, you’ll be able to work with these parts just like any others.

Compatible software



Benefits: Easier file exchange, faster programming

The Inventor module allows you to add Inventor profile and assembly files directly into ProNest. No intermediate 2D file creation step is needed and therefore you'll have no concerns over managing revisions. Once imported, you’ll be able to work with these parts just like any others.

Compatible software



Benefits: Easier file exchange, faster programming

The Creo Parametric (formerly Pro/E) module allows you to add these profile and assembly files directly into ProNest. No intermediate 2D file creation step is needed and therefore you'll have no concerns over managing revisions. Once imported, you’ll be able to work with these parts just like any others.

Compatible software



Benefits: Better productivity, faster programming, easier machine operation

The Reposition Machine Interface provides seamless support for combination punch machines (including punch/plasma and punch/laser) and standard laser reposition tables.

Compatible software



Benefits: Faster programming, better part accuracy and fit-up, reduced secondary operations

For cutting machines equipped with a programmable bevel head, the Bevel Machine Interface enables you to create NC output for parts with various types of beveled edges, including multi-pass bevel cuts. Bevel cutting is most commonly used for weld preparation on part edges, which may provide significant time savings over other secondary processes like grinding.

Compatible software



Benefits: Better productivity, faster programming, easier machine operation

The Drill Machine Interface provides advanced support for plasma or oxyfuel cutting machines that incorporate drilling, tapping and other spindle operations. The module is designed to be seamless, intuitive, and easy to use, so that you can efficiently tackle jobs requiring drilling and other vertical machining directly in ProNest.

Compatible software



Benefits: Better productivity, faster programming, easier machine operation

For users of plate processor machines, such as Peddinghaus, this interface allows ProNest to support plasma and oxyfuel cutting along with tooling functionality including punching, drilling, tapping, countersinking, and other spindle operations.

Compatible software

