manufacturing with mega-casting

We participated at the NADCA Congress & Exposition in 2024!

Soumya Mitra, PhD and team leader for engineering and cast trimming, presented a technical paper on why degating castings with plasma-cutting robotic cells are more accessible, efficient, and less expensive than traditional trimming methods.


White paper cover image

Auto manufacturers must excel in quality, efficiency, and cost reduction to stay competitive. Profitability hinges on identifying opportunities to improve efficiency. That’s why global auto manufacturers are increasingly adopting giga casting―large-scale frames with one cast―eliminating the need to weld dozens of body parts. Fewer parts decrease vehicle weight, enhance fuel efficiency, and accommodate the growing demand for battery-electric vehicles and more efficient internal combustion vehicles.

Excess material from the mold must be removed once the cast part is removed from the press. That’s where robotic plasma-cutting technology is helping to revolutionize auto manufacturing.


“Automakers using aluminium casting machines claim they can reduce investments needed to build chassis - a vehicle's second most expensive component after the engine - by 40%”

Riccardo Ferrario,
General Manager, IDRA Group


Challenges facing automotive manufacturers

  • Traditional material removal methods, such as trim presses, often constrict product design, have high capital costs, extensive change over time, and produce higher scrap rates due to part variations 

  • Skilled labor shortage increases costs and curtails productivity, especially with material removal quality

  • Mold changes result in costly tool modifications

  • Time-consuming flash/material removal methods impact cycle time

  • Manual and semi-automatic methods produce high-metal shavings and chips which can lead to increased downtime and negatively impact the integrity of the final casting

  • Manual work contributes to a higher risk of workplace injuries


Trimming press challenges and robotic plasma-cutting solutions

Challenges Solutions
Casting part variations can cause the part to get stuck in the trim press With small tooling changes, a new robot path can be programmed to trim any part
Does not quickly adapt to different parts/geometry shapes run by the die-cast machine Robotic plasma cutting can rapidly be programmed to cut new parts and shapes  offering a flexible trimming cell that can accommodate multiple casting designs
Tight tolerances produce a non-dimensional scrap part Plasma cutting has a greater tool-to-part distance (stand-off) for collision avoidance
Massive trim presses take up valuable plant floor space A plasma cutter takes up minimal floor space, is easily integrated with robots, requires little maintenance, and has a significant lifespan

Hypertherm plasma is the trusted choice for auto manufacturers

Powermax SYNC® systems are designed to easily integrate into robotic cells for cutting cast metal parts, significantly reducing time, labor, and operating costs compared with alternative technologies. Powermax has key differentiators from competitive systems and other technologies that make it the choice for leading auto manufacturers—and electric vehicles on the road today.

Powermax SYNC solution differentiators

Rapid part changeover saves time and labor

Regardless of casting part variation or different part geometry, a new robot path can be programmed to trim any part and style in the robotic trimming cell.


Higher tool-to-part clearance simplifies robot programming

Greater tool-to-part clearances vs. fiber laser make plasma more conducive to robotic applications where part variation is expected, preventing costly downtime due to tool-to-part collisions.




Leading auto manufacturers tested more familiar technologies, including fiber laser, and have found that Powermax plasma for aluminum cast trimming is the best solution.



Patented single-piece cartridge consumable with data capability eliminates operator error

Featuring built-in RFID intelligence and a revolutionary single-piece cartridge consumable with advanced SmartSYNC torch communication, you can analyze performance for starts, transfers, and arc-on time.

  • Our patented technology enables rapid tool changeover and virtually eliminates downtime 

  • Intelligent, single-piece consumable signals the power source of the cartridge type on the torch

  • Cutting system automatically sets the correct current and gas to optimize cuts and eliminate operator involvement

  • Single-piece cartridge consumable is cost-effective and recyclable




A unique single-piece cartridge with built-in intelligence

Featuring built-in intelligence and a revolutionary single-piece cartridge consumable with advanced torch communication, Powermax SYNC connectivity improves efficiency, simplifies inventory management, and minimizes downtime. With performance data from the cartridge app, system user interface, and compatible CNC, make informed decisions to help improve your cutting operation.

Why Hypertherm Associates

With everything we do, we believe in challenging what is thought impossible. By fueling imagination―yours and ours―together, we design products that inspire the global landscape and are user and environmentally friendly. Our proven technologies for cutting and shaping help build a more connected and interesting world.

Let’s discuss your cast-trimming needs

Our follow-up process:

Your single point of contact will reach out to understand your project and challenges and organize a follow-up, including direct access to our engineering team, dedicated to cast trimming applications.

Next steps may include: 

  • Product testing

  • Proof of process testing

  • Collaboration between automotive manufacturers and preferred partners

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