HPR cartridge & XD technology upgrade

Build the latest XD technology into your HPR260® and HPR130® system

There are a number of upgrade options for existing HPR260 and HPR130 systems that let you take advantage of the latest Hypertherm innovations like HPR® cartridge and XD techologies, including PowerPierce®, True Hole®, and HDi® thin stainless steel technologies. In addition to gaining new cutting capabilities, you’ll get superior cut quality and consistency, higher productivity, lower operating costs, and enhanced reliability.


System information


Customers who have upgraded reported these benefits:

  • Improved cut angularity – especially on holes

  • Improved consumable life

  • Increased piercing capability through PowerPierce technology

  • Consistent cut quality over the life of consumables, including less spatter on the torch and shield and dross-free cutting

  • The XD system torches are more robust than the standard HPR torch


Simplify your cutting process with HPR cartridgeNew!

The Hypertherm HPR® cartridge represents a revolutionary change to traditional mechanized plasma consumables. Dramatically simplifying plasma cutting, the cartridge replaces five standard consumables, eliminating costly stack-up errors. Increase productivity with faster consumable changeover and reduced training time.

HPR cartridges are available for your highest volume cutting processes.

Amp Standard Bevel
260 X X
130 X
80 X

X No cut setting changed needed.

♦ 80 A and 130 A cartridges produce cuts with a small angle difference (3° or less) from bevel consumables. These angle differences are acceptable for most production environments. For additional bevel information, refer to HPR cartridge instruction manual 810992.


Professional installation

The XD upgrade includes an on-site visit by a trained technical service engineer from an authorized Hypertherm partner who will install the upgrade, perform necessary maintenance, adjust settings and optimize your cutting process.

Option #1 (HPR260 and HPR130 systems)

This upgrade is available for HPR260 and HPR130 systems, and includes the following enhancements:

Option #2 (HPR260 and HPR130 systems)

This upgrade for HPR260 and HPR130 systems includes all of the system enhancements of Option #1, plus:

  • Improved argon marking process
  • New HPRXD Auto Gas selection console

Option #3 (HPR260 and HPR130 systems)

This is the upgrade for HPR260 and HPR130 Manual Gas systems if you wish to enable True Hole technology or the new argon marking capability. It is the same as Option #1, with the following additional requirements:

  • New Auto Gas Selection Console
  • Auto Gas Metering Console
  • New Gas Leads Assembly


* True Hole Technology requires a HyPerformance plasma HPRXD auto gas system; it also requires a True Hole enabled cutting table, nesting software, CNC, and torch height control. Consult with your table manufacturer for more details.

Buying information

Visit our where to buy page to find a potential partner, or contact Hypertherm directly if you need further assistance.

Hypertherm’s XD technology upgrade kit includes a new XD control board, push-connect gas fittings, leads, upgraded torch and consumable technologies, and a visit from a trained technician.

Option #1

Description Part Number

1. Upgrade kit  (includes: new control board with firmware for the power supply)


  • Gas console firmware for both Auto Gas selection console and metering console, and tool to remove firmware chips
  • Adapter fittings for metering console, to connect new torch leads to old style connectors on metering console)
  • Field service bulletin
  • XD and PowerPierce labels
2. New HPR cartridge upgrade kit  (includes a torch sleeve, receptable, quick disconnect torch, and 3 multi-amp cartridges (80 A, 130 A, 260 A))
HPR cartridge upgrade kit 10082294
3. New torch leads  (choose one set, 72″ gas hose from torch to metering console or off-valve): Bevel torch leads are also available.
Standard Torch Leads, 2 m 228291
Standard Torch Leads, 3 m 229292
Standard Torch Leads, 4.5 m 228293
Standard Torch Leads, 6 m 228294
Standard Torch Leads, 7.5 m 228295
Standard Torch Leads, 10 m 228296
Standard Torch Leads, 15 m 228297
Standard Torch Leads, 20 m 228547
4. IHS ohmic contact wire, necessary for ohmic sensing
IHS Ohmic Contact Wire, 3 m 123983
IHS Ohmic Contact Wire, 6 m 123984
IHS Ohmic Contact Wire, 7.5 m 123985
IHS Ohmic Contact Wire, 9 m 123986
IHS Ohmic Contact Wire, 12 m 123987
IHS Ohmic Contact Wire, 15 m 123988

IHS Ohmic Contact Wire, 23 m

IHS Ohmic Contact Wire, 30 m 123990
IHS Ohmic Contact Wire, 45 m / 150′ 123991

* True Hole technology requires a HyPerformance Plasma HPRXD auto gas system along with a True Hole enabled cutting table, nesting software, CNC, and torch height control.


Option #2

Description Part Number
1. Upgrade kit  (includes: new control board with firmware for the power supply)

  • Gas console firmware for both Auto Gas selection console and metering console, and tool to remove firmware chips
  • Adapter fittings for metering console, to connect new torch leads to old style connectors on metering console)
  • Field service bulletin
  • XD and PowerPierce labels
2. New HPR cartridge upgrade kit  (includes a torch sleeve, receptable, quick disconnect torch, and 3 multi-amp cartridges (80 A, 130 A, 260 A))
HPR cartridge upgrade kit 10082294
3. New torch leads  (choose one set, 72″ gas hose from torch to metering console or off-valve): Bevel torch leads are also available.
Standard Torch Leads, 2 m 228291
Standard Torch Leads, 3 m 229292
Standard Torch Leads, 4.5 m 228293
Standard Torch Leads, 6 m 228294
Standard Torch Leads, 7.5 m 228295
Standard Torch Leads, 10 m 228296
Standard Torch Leads, 15 m 228297
Standard Torch Leads, 20 m 228547
4. IHS ohmic contact wire, necessary for ohmic sensing
IHS Ohmic Contact Wire, 3 m 123983
IHS Ohmic Contact Wire, 6 m 123984
IHS Ohmic Contact Wire, 7.5 m 123985
IHS Ohmic Contact Wire, 9 m 123986
IHS Ohmic Contact Wire, 12 m 123987
IHS Ohmic Contact Wire, 15 m 123988
IHS Ohmic Contact Wire, 23 m 123989
IHS Ohmic Contact Wire, 30 m 123990
IHS Ohmic Contact Wire, 45 m / 150′ 123991
5. HPRXD Auto Gas Selection Console 078533

* True Hole technology requires a HyPerformance Plasma HPRXD auto gas system along with a True Hole enabled cutting table, nesting software, CNC, and torch height control.


Option #3

Description Part Number
1. Upgrade kit  (includes new control board with firmware for the power supply)

  • Gas console firmware for both Auto Gas selection console and metering console, and tool to remove firmware chips
  • Adapter fittings for metering console, to connect new torch leads to old style connectors on metering console)
  • Field service bulletin
  • XD and PowerPierce labels
2. New HPR cartridge upgrade kit  (includes a torch sleeve, receptable, quick disconnect torch, and 3 multi-amp cartridges (80 A, 130 A, 260 A))
HPR cartridge upgrade kit 10082294
3. New torch leads  (choose one set, 72″ gas hose from torch to metering console or off-valve): Bevel torch leads are also available.
Standard Torch Leads, 2 m 228291
Standard Torch Leads, 3 m 229292
Standard Torch Leads, 4.5 m 228293
Standard Torch Leads, 6 m 228294
Standard Torch Leads, 7.5 m 228295
Standard Torch Leads, 10 m 228296
Standard Torch Leads, 15 m 228297
Standard Torch Leads, 20 m 228547
4. IHS ohmic contact wire, necessary for ohmic sensing
IHS Ohmic Contact Wire, 3 m 123983
IHS Ohmic Contact Wire, 6 m 123984
IHS Ohmic Contact Wire, 7.5 m 123985
IHS Ohmic Contact Wire, 9 m 123986
IHS Ohmic Contact Wire, 12 m 123987
IHS Ohmic Contact Wire, 15 m 123988
IHS Ohmic Contact Wire, 23 m 123989
IHS Ohmic Contact Wire, 30 m 123990
IHS Ohmic Contact Wire, 45 m / 150′ 123991
5. HPRXD Auto Gas Selection Console 078533
6. HPRXD Auto Gas Metering Console 078535
7. Gas Leads Assembly (from Selection Console to Metering Console)
Gas Leads Assembly, automatic, 10 ft (3 m) 128992
Gas Leads Assembly, automatic, 15 ft (4.5 m) 128993
Gas Leads Assembly, automatic, 20 ft (6 m) 228338
Gas Leads Assembly, automatic, 25 ft (7.5 m) 128952
Gas Leads Assembly, automatic, 35 ft (10 m) 128994
Gas Leads Assembly, automatic, 50 ft (15 m) 128930
Gas Leads Assembly, automatic, 65 ft (20 m) 128995

* True Hole technology requires a HyPerformance Plasma HPRXD auto gas system along with a True Hole enabled cutting table, nesting software, CNC, and torch height control.


Manuals and documents

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